Experience the rich flavors of Peru with our Peru Juihuay coffee.
This coffee is sourced from a producer group called Cooperativa Agraria Orígenes del Valle de Lacco that uses multiple smaller coffee producers in the Lacco Valley, Cusco. Farmers here practice organic farming, and often cultivate their coffee on a few acres of land that is intercropped with corn, bananas, shade trees, and beans.
Each producer in the group carefully harvests and sorts cherries before depulping, fermenting, washing, and drying the coffee using their own micro-mills. Depulped coffee seeds are dry fermented for up to 48 hours and then washed and dried on raised beds.
Tasting Notes: Apricot + Sweet Tea + Kiwi + Dried Strawberry
Region: Lacco Valley
Altitude: 1700-2300 masl
Varietals: Bourbon, Caturra, and Typica